Professor Newman Online
Cloud Recordings & LMS
If you are taking a course with live class meetings via Zoom, we offer archived recordings of all class sessions for the semester. We certainly want all students to benefit from the live classroom and attend online. However, we realize not everyone has access to a computer or an internet device when needed. Some of your classmates have gone back home and are now in different time zones. To help compensate for those scenarios, I am offering recordings of our live class sessions which can be viewed 'on demand' at the convenience of all students.
For those who are not on a computer or have connection issues due to power failure or other internet issues, Zoom does offer a mobile app. for Android and iPhone. Here are the links if you need them:
Zoom for Android
Zoom for iPhone
Please follow the links in your course LMS to your class session Zoom recordings. These recordings are typically posted within 8 hours of the class session. If you could not make a live session, or didn't have access at the time, you can watch the recording at your convenience. Your LMS (Moodle or Canvas) is still the primary source for the most up to date information as we move forward.