@ Centralia
Introduction to state and federal constitution, laws and procedures including international trade, crimes, torts, contracts, sales, property, bankruptcy, securities, consumer protection, employment, and debtor-creditor relationships. The relationship between ethics and law will be discussed.
BUS 101 AE - Introduction to Business
Introduction to the world of business. Emphasis will include functions of business, management, types of business ownership, human resources, production, marketing, ethics, and the role of accounting.
Introduction to the world of business. Emphasis will include functions of business, management, types of business ownership, human resources, production, marketing, ethics, and the role of accounting.
Overview of medical law/ethics for healthcare professionals in various settings: billing/coding, transcription, phlebotomy, etc. Designed to explain ethical/legal obligations to the patient, employer, and health worker and clarify confidentiality requirements regarding patient records and history.
Note: It is important to get started ASAP and manage your time wisely. Do not wait for me to contact you - online classes are very time-consuming. Success requires hard work, motivation, persistence, discipline and effort. If you log into the class regularly, participate in class discussions, submit all materials on time, and master the content materials, you have the potential to excel, not only in this class.
All Classes via LMS Canvas and Zoom
unless indicated otherwise
Business Law (Bus 201) - 01/06- 03/19
Mon/ Wed @ 8 a.m. - 9 a.m.
Office hours 30mins prior
Business Management 325 (MNGT325)
01/07 - 03/20
Tues/Thurs. 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Office hours 30 mins. prior
Adjunct Professor @ Centralia
To the left is a list of courses I teach at Centralia Online. Simply click on the title to go to the course page. I will post the most recent syllabus with meeting information and the book title for each semester. Each course will have a corresponding Canvas Instructional page which I will use throughout the semester.
Prior to each semester I ask students to fill out a course survey. Please take a few minutes at the beginning of the semester to fill out the appropriate course surveys:
Initial Student Survey
Zoom Class Session Archives
01/01/22 - At this time all classes are online via LMS Canvas. Each course has its own Canvas page which you will log in to to complete the course. Class content is broken down in content modules which are dated to follow our syllabus. Please take note of the time line for exams and testing. If you have question or need to contact me, simply use the Canvas messaging 'inbox' service via the navigation menu.
All my courses will be managed via CC Canvas. Use your student ID and login to access your classes here: https://centralia.instructure.com/login/canvas
Good Information @ Centralia
Centralia College from the Air (YT Video)
Courses are Online via Canvas and Zoom
See course Canvas page for login info.
Go here for Zoom class session recordings
(BUS201 #27398)
Hybrid Synchronous Course Dates:
01/06/2025 - 03/19/2025
Course via Centralia Canvas Modules
(BUS201 #27398)
Hybrid Synchronous Course Dates:
01/06/2025 - 03/19/2025
Course via Centralia Canvas Modules
Zoom class session log in and passcode can be found
in your Canvas course page.
in your Canvas course page.
This is a core course concerning the impact of laws, regulations, and legal responsibilities on management behavior with a focus on the application of this learning to real life situations for organizations both large and small.
Book: Roger Leroy Miller, Business Law Today: The Essentials: Text & Summarized Cases 13th Edition (2022) ISBN: 978-0-357-63522-3 softcover Edition/ ISBN: 978-0-357-63523-0 loose leaf edition E-book available
Hybrid Synchronous Course Dates:
01/07/2025 - 03/20/2025
Course via Centralia Canvas Modules
Hybrid Synchronous Course Dates:
01/07/2025 - 03/20/2025
Course via Centralia Canvas Modules
Zoom class session log in and passcode can be found
in your Canvas course page.
This is a core course concerning the impact of laws, regulations, and legal responsibilities on management behavior with a focus on the application of this learning to real life situations for organizations both large and small.
in your Canvas course page.
This is a core course concerning the impact of laws, regulations, and legal responsibilities on management behavior with a focus on the application of this learning to real life situations for organizations both large and small.
BOOK: Roger Leroy Miller, Business Law Today, 13th Edition (2022) ISBN-13: 978-0 357-63523-0 (loose leaf edition) ISBN: 978-0-357-63522-3 (soft cover edition) [Available at the Centralia College Bookstore] A cheaper eBook may also be available. Note you are automatically enrolled in the Day1-Digital Access (D1DA) book program via the bookstore. You have 10 days to opt out. Contact the bookstore for details.
SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: I have additional readings listed per week and see -
Book Chapter Power Points (see weekly modules for links)
Newman’s YouTube Channel (See: Introduction to Law & Business Law 201) For my videos, go by the subject matter, not the chapter number.
Newman’s Subject Matter Index
Law Shelf Videos
The Business Professor You-Tube Channel