About Me
"My objective with every course I teach, whether it is face-to-face, hybrid or on-line, is to provide students with practical information and the necessary tools for them to succeed. My teaching philosophy is “pragmatic engagement” based on my 30+ years as a practicing attorney and current issues."
Shawn Newman is an adjunct professor at Saint Martin’s University where he has taught legal studies, legal research, education law, literature and law, business law I and II, civil liberties, judicial process, communications law, MBA commercial law/transactions, MBA Business Ethics. He also teaches introduction to law, business law and employment law at Pierce College at Fort Steilacoom and JBLM, and Centralia College. He is also teach Human Resource Management at Lake Washington Technical Institute.
Shawn is a graduate of Notre Dame Law School and has been practicing law for 30 years. He has worked as an assistant attorney general, senate staff counsel, public defender, college and university general counsel. His private practice focuses on consumer and constitutional rights. He is admitted to the U.S. Supreme Court, 9th and 5th Circuit Courts of Appeals, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, U.S. District Courts for Western and Eastern Washington and the Washington State Supreme Court. He has argued and won cases before the Washington State Supreme Court and Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. He served as the Washington State Director of the Initiative and Referendum Institute based at USC Law School. Shawn has represented a variety of clients, including presidential candidates (Ralph Nader and H. Ross Perot), judges, attorneys, corporations and criminals. He has collaborated with attorneys from around the country on a variety of issues ranging from animal welfare to foreclosure defense. He has been quoted in a variety of media outlets, including the New York Times, LA Times, USA Today, Al Jazeera America and NBC Nightly News. Shawn lives in Olympia with his wife Marianne. He is a dual citizen of the US and Ireland and enjoys playing the ukulele.
Lecturer, legal studies, employment law & business law
School of Business @ SMU Business Law @ Pierce College Commercial Transactions - Western WA Univ.
Business Law @ Centralia Human Resources @ LW Tech
Fields: Legal Studies, Business Law and Commercial Transactions
J.D. University of Notre Dame Law School; B.S. Labor & Human Resources, Ohio State.
Current Students: Contact me via the messaging app in your LMS (ie: Canvas or Moodle)
Selected Publications
"Welcome to Freddie and Fannie's Mortgage Shell Game" http://www.msfraud.org/articles/welcome-to-fannie-and-freddies-mortgage-shell-game.pdf
Professional associations/memberships
Washington State Bar Association
Thurston County Bar Association
Married 40 years
Areas of interest
Enjoys reading, Ukulele music and pottery