Professor Newman Online

Centralia Cloud Sessions

Welcome to my Centralia College Classsroom Archive page.  While every attempt should be made to attend our Zoom live sessions at their scheduled times,  we understand people may have connectivity issues and cannot always connect to the internet to attend in real time. 

Below  you will find links to our Zoom classroom sessions posted within 24 hrs. of that days class.  If you are unable to attend during our normally scheduled time, you can use these links to stay up to date.   Remember you are responsible for material covered during these lectures, and you should expect some exam questions to reference the lectures throughout the  semester.  If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me via your LMS (Canvas)

Centralia College 

Courses at Centralia College

Bus 201 - Business Law-  (Online via Zoom sessions and Canvas) -  Introduction to state and federal constitution, laws and procedures including international trade, crimes, torts, contracts, sales, property, bankruptcy, securities, consumer protection, employment, and debtor-creditor relationships. The relationship between ethics and law will be discussed.  

MGMT 325 - Legal Issues (Online via Canvas)-  This is a core course concerning the impact of laws, regulations, and legal responsibilities on management behavior with a focus on the application of this learning to real life situations for organizations both large and small.  

BTEC 266 - Medical Law and Ethics - Overview of medical law/ethics for healthcare professionals in various settings: billing/coding, transcription, phlebotomy, etc.  Designed to explain ethical/legal obligations to the patient, employer, and health worker and clarify confidentiality requirements regarding patient records and history. 


BUS 201 Business Law

(BUS201 #27398)
Hybrid Synchronous Course Dates: 
01/06/2025 - 03/19/2025
Course via Centralia Canvas Modules

Zoom class session log in and passcode can be found in your  Canvas course page. 


Class Session recordings will be posted here:

(MNGT  325)
Hybrid Synchronous Course Dates: 
01/07/2025 - 03/20/2025
Course via Centralia Canvas Modules

Zoom class session log in and passcode can be found in your  Canvas course page. 


Class Session recordings will be posted here: